An observational, prospective and questionnaire-based study to assess awareness of pharmacovigilance among resident doctors in a tertiary healthcare centre of Bihar

Authors : Purnendu Arya, Purnendu Arya, Hitesh Mishra, Hitesh Mishra, Manish Kumar, Manish Kumar, Adil Ali Shakur, Adil Ali Shakur, Lalit Mohan, Lalit Mohan

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2020.008

Volume : 10

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 29-35

Background: Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) is a global health problem requiring attention of healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals are backbone of pharmacovigilance programme and hence have a major role for better healthcare system.
Aim: To assess the awareness of knowledge and practice of pharmacovigilance among residents in our health set-up.
Materials and Methods: An observational, prospective and questionnaire-based study comprising 15 questions pertaining to Pharmacovigilance. 60 Residents (30 junior and 30 senior residents) from different clinical departments were sampled. Questionnaire was based on two alternative answers viz "Yes" or "No". Questions were further segregated into four classes for evaluation of awareness in different spheres of pharmacovigilance. A grading scale was used to determine the awareness of residents about pharmacovigilance.
Statistical Analysis: Wilcoxon matched-pairs test using GraphPad Instat software.
Results: This study was conducted in two visits. After second visit there was significant increase in response in which education encompassing pharmacovigilance was recommended by 61.66% of residents. Percentage of residents responding “yes” regarding established independent body for reporting of ADRs was 48.33%. Further, evaluation of awareness in different spheres of pharmacovigilance showed that fundamental knowledge of pharmacovigilance among residents was excellent in 21.66%, good in 45%, average in 10% and poor in 25% of the residents.
Conclusions: Knowledge and practice of pharmacovigilance was improved among residents after giving proper sensitization. Hence, improved perception can remove the misconceptions, obstacles and barriers in practice of pharmacovigilance. Furthermore, large-scale awareness of pharmacovigilance is required among different healthcare professionals for better understanding of this system.

Keywords: Grading Scale, Knowledge, Practice, Questionnaires, Sensitization

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