Sacral index and its clinical importance in human dry sacral bones - Morphometric study

Authors : Babu Rao Sake, G Geetha Vani, Sadhu Lokanadham

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2020.057

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 285-287

Background: Sacral Index is the most important parameter in assessing the sexual dimorphism.
Materials and Methods: A total of 42 dry adult human sacral bones of known sex (19 – female sacra; 23-
male sacra) collected from Anatomy Department, Santhiram Medical College, Nandyal. The sacral length
measured from the promontory to the middle of antero-inferior margin of last sacral vertebra. The sacral
breadth measured from the lateral most points of ale of sacrum. The sacral index (SI) is calculated and
statistically analyzed.
Results: We noted the mean sacral index 101.142+2.148 in male sacra, and 103.668+2.271 in female sacra
with significantly higher sacral index in female sacra than male sacra in the present study.
Conclusion: Our study acknowledges the importance of sacral index and its significance can be useful in
sexual dimorphism.

Keywords: Breadth, Lengt, Sacral index.

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