Are buccal corridors and smile width relating to smile esthetics? - A Photometric Study

Authors : Gunjan Kedia, Gunjan Kedia, Neal Bharat Kedia, Neal Bharat Kedia, Subhash Chandra, Subhash Chandra, Garima Verma, Garima Verma, (Major) Amit Kumar, (Major) Amit Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2020.015

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 63-67

Background: The present photometric study investigated the correlation of buccal corridor and smile width
to an esthetic smile and the influence of the facial form on it.
Materials and Methods: Standardized photographs of posed smile of 60 subjects in the age range of 17-
25 years were taken. Among those 60 subjects, 3 groups were divided as 20 subjects each in leptoprosopic
facial form, mesoprosopic facial form and euryprosopic facial form (according to morphological facial
index given by Martin and Saller in 1957). Frontal smile photographs were taken and measurements of
maximum smile width, right and left buccal corridor spaces were done according to methodology proposed
by Johnson and Smith (1995) using software Corel DRAW X7.
Results: As separate evaluation done by orthodontists and lay persons and both of them presented with
no differences of buccal corridor width and the total smile width in the esthetic smiles from comparing the
percentage between the study groups.
Conclusion: Remarkable finding was that the buccal corridor width and total smile width does not alter with
the 3 types of facial form and broad faces have a tendency for broader buccal corridor and narrow faces
have smaller buccal corridor.

Keywords: Buccal corridor, Esthetic, Photometric, Smile width.

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