Age estimation from eruption of permanent teeth in school children

Authors : Avinash H.Waghmode, Pravir Bodkha, Prafulla Pawar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2020.002

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 5-10

Aim: To study the age estimation from eruption of permanent teeth in school children.
Objective: 1) To study eruption of permanent teeth in a child of age group from 6 years to 14 years. 2) To study and compare eruption timings of maxillary and mandibular teeth between boys and girls.
Material and Methods: This was a prospective study. A random sample of 180 school children in the age group of 6 to 14 years was selected. The mean age of eruption of individual permanent teeth was recorded and result was analysis.
Result: The study population included 99 boys constituting 54.995% and 81 girls constituting 44.997% of the total sample. In the age group of 6 years, the first permanent molar teeth was found to be erupted. In the age group of 14 years, all the permanent teeth except third molar had erupted. Girls showed early tooth eruption compared to boys. Mandibular teeth erupted earlier than maxillary teeth in both the sexes. Right and left side teeth erupted at same time in both the arches.
Conclusion: The mean ages of eruption obtained from the present study are strikingly comparable with those of other investigators in different population across the world.

Keywords: Federation Dentaire International (FDI).

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