Metastatic carcinoid tumor of the ovary-A rare entity and role of CDX2 to distinguish pure primary carcinoid from metastatic carcinoid to the ovary

Authors : Ranjana Giri, Ranjana Giri, Urmila Senapati, Urmila Senapati, Subrat Kumar Sahu, Subrat Kumar Sahu

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2020.058

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 273-275

Background: Metastatic ovarian carcinoid is a very rare entity which is usually of primary gastrointestinal
origin. Distinction is difficult between pure primary ovarian carcinoid from metastatic carcinoid tumor of
ovary, but distinction is very much crucial because it has clinical and prognostic implications.
Case History: We are reporting a case of a 55yr old female presented with abdominal pain.
Ultrasonography revealed bilateral solid ovarian mass. Macroscopically both the ovaries were enlarged,
solid with surface nodularity. Morphology showed tumor cells mostly in insular and acinar configuration,
round to oval nucleus, stippled chromatin and granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. IHC for synaptophysin and
chromograin were strong positive. CDX2 was done which showed strong nuclear positive in 80% of tumor
cells. The tumor was diagnosed as a metastatic carcinoid tumor to the ovary and primary tumor in the small
Conclusion: This case was reported because of its rarity and usefulness of CDX2 to distinguish pure
primary carcinoid from metastatic carcinoid to ovary.

Keywords: Metastatic carcinoid tumor, Ovary, CDX2.

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