Cytomorphological study of lymph node lesions

Authors : Hiral J Majithia, Chandrika Algotar, Tejas Chokshi, Neelab K Mori, Siddharth Ghelani

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2020.061

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 280-282

Introduction: Lymph nodes are important components of peripheral or secondary lymphoid organs which play a huge role in immune response.
Aim: To study cytomorphological features and incidence of various lymph node lesions in patients ?18 years.
Materials and Methods: The data has taken from 100 patients of ?18 years having lymph node lesion presented at central clinical laboratory for Fine Needle Aspiration cytology examination. FNAC was done in all cases & correlated with their clinical data.
Results: Interpretation of their cytology examination is showing that in our tertiary care centre most common lymph node lesion in patient ?18 year is granulomatous lymphadenitis(44%) followed by reactive lymphadenitis (37%), Acute inflammation(06%), Abscess formation (05%), Cystic lesion (03%), and Leukemic infiltration (02%). Most affected age is 6 to 10 years.
Conclusion: Granulomatous & Reactive lymphadenitis are common causes of lymphadenitisin ?18 years age group. Among this study 6-10 years are more affected age group. These result can be obtain by Fine Needle Aspiration cytology examination.

Keywords: Fineneedle aspiration cytology, lymph node, lymphadenitis.

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