Association of oxidative stress with the bone turnover in pre and post menopausal diabetic women

Authors : Sandhya Pillai Nair, N C Shah

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2020.039

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 181-184

Diabetes is today a worldwide problem because of its global prevalence. India is also one of the hub. The
long term complications of diabetes have been extensively studied but it has been observed that diabetes
also affects the bone health. The relation of Bone health, Oxidative stress and diabetes has not been looked
into to a great extent.
Objective: To study the relation of Bone health, Oxidative stress in diabetic individuals.
Research Design and Methods: 330 individuals were included in the study. Dividing into four group i.e
group I included Pre Menopausal type II DM (n=80), group II was age matched control (n=75), group
III were Post Menopausal type II DM (n=100) and group IV (n=75) were age matched Post Menopausal
control group. The protocol of the study was approved by ethical committee of the institute. GHbA1C,
Osteocalcin, TRAP, Alkaline Phosphatase, SOD, GSH, GPx, Gred, MDA and Minerals like Calcium,
Phosphorous, Magnesium were estimated.
Results: A highly significant increase (p<0> Gred) was observed in the premenopausal women while through MDA levels were high in the menopausal
women. While the altered levels of the bone markers were observed. Sr TRAP as the marker of bone
resoption was increased significantly (p<0> while Sr Osteocalcin and Sr Alkaline phosphatase markers of bone formation was low in pre and not
significant variation observed in the post menopausal women.
Conclusion: The Oxidative stress, hyperglycemia and the decreased antioxidant defense leads to enhanced
osteoclastic activity and a decreased osteoblastic activity in pre and post menopausal diabetic women.

Keywords: Osteocalcin, TRAP, Antioxidants, Lipid peroxidation, Pre menopausal, Post menopausal, Diabetes.

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