Study of acute respiratory infections in breastfeeding babies up to 2 years

Authors : Ayesha Siddiqua, Mujumdar VG, Siddaling Chengty, Rajkumar Papanka

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2023.011

Volume : 13

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 52-55

Background: Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in less than two years of age. The frequent episodes of ARI need hospitalization of babies which becomes more equivocal to paediatrician /clinician.
Materials and Methods: 94 babies upto 2 years with ARI were studied and compared with the same number of healthy babies (controlled group). Routine blood examination included CBC, ESR, PS, AEC, chest x-ray, and PFT was done only if necessary.
Results: The comparison of social-demographic students in both groups included gestational weeks, premature birth, birth weight, cesarean birth, employment of mother, siblings, habits of parents were found to be significant (p<0> Conclusion: This pragmatic study has confirmed that malnourished babies are more prone to ARI and needs to be correlated with breastfed babies and nutrition supplementation must be recommended along with treatment.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Birth weight, Nutrition, Premature­birth, Employment

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