Fundamentals for orientation of occlusal plane in completely edentulous patients – A review

Authors : C Dhinesh Kumar, Jayashree Mohan, P Manimaran, Sunantha Selvaraj, G Sandhya

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2020.010

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 37-40

In order to restore the occlusal contact to the original condition and for harmonious stomatognathic system
in Conventional Prosthodontic Rehabilitation, the establishment of occlusal plane is very important. The
ideal position of artificial teeth in complete denture in the same position of natural teeth will be achieved
by the orientation of occlusal plane similar to the natural location of occlusal plane. This review highlights
the significance of occlusal plane orientation, basic concepts, various landmarks associated with occlusal
plane to achieve the functional, mechanical and esthetic rehabilitation of completely edentulous patients.

Keywords: Alatragus line, Frankforts horizontal plane, Interpupillary line, Orientation of occlusal plane, Completely edentulous patients.

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