Transient quadriparesis without bony injury in overhead weight carrying labourers-cervical cord concussion—Myelopraxia

Authors : Shashikant B Ganjale

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijos.2020.009

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 46-49

SCIWORA- Spinal cord injury without radiological abnormality is well known entity and terminology
described and introduced by Pang andWilberger and defined as clinical symptoms of traumatic myelopathy
without any radiological or computed tomographic features of spinal fracture or instability. 1
The injury to the spinal cord is caused by a contusion or ischemia due to temporary occlusion of vertebral
arteries followed by a spontaneous return of vertebrae to their original position. 1 A similar phenomenon
or mechanism of injury is noticed in labourers carrying overhead heavy weights and noticed sudden
quadriparesis during deloading the overhead heavy weight. There is transient ischemia of cervical spinal
cord which recovers in due course of time with conservative treatment. This type of cervical spinal cord
injury can be compared with neuropraxia type of injury in peripheral nerves, which recovers in short span
of time. So a new terminology of cervical spinal cord injury – cervical spinal cord concussion can be
postulated or nomenclated as MYELOPRAXIA.

Keywords: Transient quadriparesis, Overhead heavy weight carrying, Labourers, Myelopraxia.

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