Sex predection

Authors : Soumboundou Sankounq, Toure Babacar, Abess Gazal, Khalifa Dieng, Mamadou Lamine N’diaye

DOI : 10.18231/2456-9615.2018.0016

Volume : 3

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 69-73

Aim: The determination of sex is one of the most important and crucial steps in identification. Sexual dimorphism using odontometric data showed a great diversity depending on the study population, which therefore requires data specific to each population. The purpose of this study is to establish the degree of dental dimorphism within the population. A sample of Senegalese subjects using the Dimodent method described by Fronty et al 1998
Material and Methods: A total of 104 subjects (52 males and 52 females) aged 20 to 60 years were included in this study. Mesio-distal and vestibulo diameters -linguale of the lateral incisor and the mandibular canine were measured with a digital caliper on plaster models. The measurements obtained were integrated into the sexual prediction equation P= 1 / (1 + ey)Y is evaluated based on measurements of mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters
The collected data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel version The Comparison of the data was made with the Chi-square Xtests2 and Pearson and a significance level p ? 0.05 was retained.
Results: In this study, the overall positive prediction rate is 86.53%. The success rate was higher for men (90.38%) than for women (82.69%).
Conclusion: The method used in this study is simple and inexpensive to conduct and therefore can be applied in forensic odontology to establish an individual's sexual identity.

Keyword: Sex assessment, Dimodent equation, Mandibular canines, Mandibular lateral incisors, Forensic odontology

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