A new challenge for ‘Dental Professionals’ during this pandemic situation of COVID-19

Authors : Pragati S Dubey, Pragati S Dubey, Neelam Mittal, Neelam Mittal, Prabhat Chandra, Prabhat Chandra

DOI : 10.18231/j.jooo.2020.028

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 125-131

The world is facing new crises with emergence and spread of COVID 19. The COVID 19 has given
challenge to health care professional and dental practitioner due to lack of symptoms to ARDS and
eventually death. Dental practitioners are exposed to high risk due to route of transmission. This article
will address proper possible information regarding outbreak of this pandemic situation on dental practice.
Dental specialist in upcoming days will came across with patients of COVID 19, which will have to ensure
the prevention of infection. Here we will discuss about how to minimize the spread of infection during
dental practice. This review presents a protocol of management from available literatures which help to
formulate a possible plan for evaluation and prevention of COVID 19 from patients to dental practitioner
or vice versa.

Keywords: Novel corona virus, Dental practice, Treatments, Patient management.

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