Overdentures the realms of overshadowness or obliviousness

Authors : Srabanti Nandy, Sanjit Lal Das, Uttam Kumar Sen, Arindam Karmakar

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2021.020

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 80-83

Statement of Problem: The overdenture is a predictable and valuable option in the treatment of a patient with multiple missing teeth. It aids by preservation of alveolar bone, teeth and supporting structures, maintenance of proprioceptive response and neuromuscular co-ordination, and enhances the quality of a prosthesis by improving the stability, retention and patient acceptance.
Purpose: Often while fabricating an overdenture with retained attachments it becomes mandatory to cast the wax pattern and by no means can that be judged for parallelism with the abutments. A lucid method of obtaining parallelism has been described, adjunct with significant improvement of bite force has been portrayed.
Summary & Conclusion: Careful case selection and abutment preparation as well as periodic recall is the key to a successful over denture rehabilitation. This case report also depicts the tooth supported overdenture as a viable option with the use of a customized parallelometer which has its ease of use and cost effectiveness for determining parallelism of abutments using a prefabricated ball attachment system and deciphers the increase in bite force in a dynamic manner.

Keywords: Root preservation, Tooth supported overdenture, Ball attachment, Parallelometer

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