Chondroblastic variant of gnathic osteosarcoma– A rare case report

Authors : Ashwini Baliga, Raghavendra Kini, Prasanna K. Rao, Roopashri Rajesh Kashyap, Meghana HC

DOI : 10.18231/2581-3838.2018.0015

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 59-61

Osteosarcomas are the most common primary malignant neoplasm of the bone.  Osteosarcomas predominantly occur in the long bones and are rare in the maxillofacial region. Gnathic osteosarcoma differs from osteosarcoma of the long bones in its biological behavior even though they have the similar histologic appearance. The maxillary osteosarcomas show predilection for posterior portion of the alveolar process and the antrum, whereas in the mandible, body is most commonly involved site followed by angle, symphysis and ascending ramus. We report a rare case of osteosarcoma of the maxilla in a 62 year old male patient which was diagnosed histopathologically as chondroblastic variant of osteosarcoma. The treatment comprised of surgery followed by radiation therapy.

Keywords: Chondroblastic, Jaw, Osteosarcoma, Maxilla

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