Environmental screening of multi drug resistant organisms in high touch area of critical and non critical units in tertiary care hospital

Authors : Archi Jaiswal, Sanchita Nihal, Navinchandra M Kaore, Shilpa N Kaore

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmr.2020.052

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 288-292

Introduction: Patient’s environment in Health care settings responsible for causing variety of infections to
patients and to the healthcare professions. Many of them are MDRO which may get transmitted as hospitals
acquired infections that increases the chances of mortality and morbidity. These study was undertaken to
isolate and identify aerobic bacteria with their resistance pattern in high touch areas of critical and noncritical
care units of tertiary care hospital in absence of defined outbreaks.
Materials and Methods: The cross sectional analytical study was carried out in the Microbiology
Department, after obtaining the Institutional Ethics Committee clearance with waiver of consent during
a period of two months. A total 100 samples from nine surface locations of critical and non critical care
units of tertiary care hospital were included in this study. All tubes were vortexed and 0.5 ml of the peptone
water was inoculated immediately on Blood Agar and MacConkey Agar for semi-quantitative estimation
of the organisms.
Result: The environmental screening for MDROs from high touch areas was carried out in the 650
bedded tertiary care hospital.. A total of 34/126 (26.98%) samples from various areas had the growth
of microorganisms where Staphylococcus aureus predominated. 24.60% showed S. aureus growth while
2.38% were E.coli. A total of 47.05% strains were isolated from the critical care areas all of which were S.
aureus whereas 52.94% strains were from the non-critical areas.
Conclusion: This study established to isolate and identify aerobic bacteria with their resistance pattern
in high touch areas of critical and non critical care units of tertiary care hospital in absence of defined
outbreak. These creates awareness regarding emerging of MDROs in hospital settings and also leads to
improve in imperfect techniques of hand hygiene practices as well as inadequate surface disinfection
practices especially in high touch areas.

Keywords: MDROs, MRSA, Blood agar, Mac Conkey Agar, High touch areas.

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