The common peroneal nerve schwannoma: A case rare case report with brief review of literature

Authors : Piyush Kumar Panchariya, Abhijeet Bele, H Singh, D Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2020.060

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 330-332

Swelling in popliteal region is a common presentation with usual differential diagnosis of bakers cyst, ganglionic cysts. Schwannoma of common peroneal nerve although a clinically rare entity may also have similar presentation. The treatment of choice for such schwannoma is surgical excision with preservation of nerve integrity. Without knowledge of this consideration and disrespecting nerve planes during surgery may have devastating complications. We here present a similar rare case report of common peroneal nerve schwannoma with brief review of literature; the case was managed by complete surgical excision with no neurological deficit in post operated phase.

Keywords: Common peroneal nerve, Schwannoma, Neurilemmoma.

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