Knowledge regarding management of hypertension among hypertensive patients: A descriptive study

Authors : Jintu Wilson, Jisna Mathew, Jisna PA, Joicy George, Hezil Reema Barboza

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcaap.2019.014

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 62-66

Hypertension is an important medical and public health issue. The risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure and renal disease associated with blood pressure has shown a proportional increase and with age the prevalence of hypertension increases. As a part of aim, we tried to analyse importance of primary health care (PHC) for the management of cardiovascular and renal diseases. About 100 hypertensive patients were selected with the knowledge of non-experimental descriptive design at selected hospitals of Mangaluru, Karnataka, India. Data were collected having the information of demography and related questionnaire. Feasibility was accessed based on initial pilot study by using SPSS version 23 software and percentage of knowledge score was 37.03. The results showed significant association between knowledge with the selected demographic variables such as age (?2= 15.040), gender (?2= 5.760), religion (?2= 16.580), educational status (?2= 55.280), occupation (?2=16.240), monthly income (?2=47.600), type of family (?2=47.060), area of residence (?2=21.160), dietary pattern (?2=14.780), habits (?2=11.040) and frequency of eating unhealthy junk food or having outside food (?2=40.160). The findings of the study revealed that the hypertensive patients had an average level of knowledge regarding control of hypertension through proper diet and there is a need to educate them to prevent life-threatening complications.

Keywords: Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Hypertensive patients, Knowledge, Management.

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