Reattachment of fractured tooth fragment: A case report

Authors : M Kishore, Madhuri Sakaray, M Sreeja Yadav, L Md. Wasim Bari, Ram Suneetha, Wahid Zargar

DOI : 10.18231/j.idjsr.2021.009

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 43-45

Crown fractures are the unexceptional consequences of traumatic injuries of the teeth that mainly occur in the upper front tooth region. A traumatized anterior tooth requires immediate clinical attention and, if left untreated, can cause damage to the entire dentition and even have a psychological impact on the patient. Management of complicated crown fractures is a multifactorial process that depends on the extent and pattern of fracture, restorability of a fractured tooth, secondary injuries, presence/absence of fractured tooth fragment and its condition for use, occlusion, esthetics, finances, and prognosis. The patient was 35-year-old male presenting on an emergency basis. His maxillary incisors got fractured in a road traffic accident 12 hours before the treatment the fragment of the tooth was fractured but was attached to the soft tissue and was mobile in nature. After administration of local anesthesia, root canal treatment was completed and post space was prepared. Fiber post was luted and dowel was made in the fragment. Using flowable composite, the fragment and tooth were approximated followed by light curing. Finishing and
polishing was done.

Keywords: Crown Fractures, Immediate Clinical Attention, Fiber Post, Reattachment Of The Dental, Fragment, Monoblock Effect.

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