Large atypical odontome in the ramus of mandible: A rare case report

Authors : Meenakshi Singhal, Devi Charan Shetty, Saurabh Juneja, Anshi Jain, Nikita Gulati

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2021.022

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 88-90

Compound odontoma is considered to be a developmental anomalies of the dental tissues or a hamartomatous lesion rather than a true odontogenic tumour. It has an unknown etiology. Odontomas are further subdivided into compound and complex types depending on the extent of morpho-differentiation or on the resemblance to normal teeth. Since, these lesions are asymptomatic, they are usually detected in routine radiographs only. Early diagnosis, prompt clinical decision making followed by a proper treatment at the right time, results in a favorable prognosis. The present report describes a large atypical radiopaque mass located in the ramus of mandible. After the lesion was surgically removed under local anesthesia, histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of compound odontoma. The results achieved indicate that the early diagnosis of odontomas allows the adoption of a less complex and expensive treatment and ensures better prognosis.

Keywords: Compound odontoma, Odontogenic tumors, Atypical Odontoma

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