The consequences of fetal reduction for quintuplets after ICSI-ET

Authors : Paapa Dasari, Paapa Dasari, Ashraf M Ali, Ashraf M Ali

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.056

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 270-272

A 30-year-old primigravida who conceived following ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) was admitted at 34 weeks of pregnancy with singleton fetus in breech presentation with Gestational diabetes and Gestational hypertension. To start with Quintuplets were diagnosed and she underwent fetal reduction of 3 foetuses at 14 weeks of pregnancy. Follow up USG revealed only one live fetus after one week. At LSCS (Lower Segment Caesarean Section) performed at 37 weeks, the placenta was found to be adherent and was manually removed. There was profuse bleeding after removal of placenta which was not controlled with uterine massage and uterotonics. Placental examination showed 3 fetus payraeceae. Intrauterine examination revealed an adherent fetus which was removed following which the haemorrhage stopped. In pregnancies following fetal reduction, postpartum haemorrhage can result due to retained fetus papyraceus and hence it is essential to make sure all papyraceae were removed.

Keywords: Quintuplets, Foetal Reduction, Foetus Papyraceous, PPH.

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