Awareness and knowledge of cervical cancer in medical and paramedical staff-an observational study

Authors : Pooja Gupta, Mubeka Kaveeshwar, Anjali Patil

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2020.006

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 28-32

Introduction: In developing countries, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among the
women from develop ed countries and risk of cancer increases among the women with human papilloma
virus (HPV) infection. The reasons being lack of knowledge and awareness regarding screening methods,
lack of availability at health center among local population.
Aims and Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding cervical cancer and screening and HPV
vaccination among medical and nursing staff.
Materials and Methods: The observational study was conducted at Index medical college hospital and
research center from October 2018 to December 2018 among 200 medical and paramedical students. A
preset questionnaire was given them to answer and data was analyzed.
Two hundred medical and paramedical students were studied from October 2018 to December 2018
at Index Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Indore. One-time 15 question standardized
questionnaire survey was asked to answer from all the participants.
Results: We observed, 79% were aware that cervical cancer is most common cause of gynecological
cancer, 69% were aware that HPV is the causative agent, 49.5% were aware that HPV infection can
be symptomless, 59% were aware about its symptoms amongst them, 46.5% were aware of post coital
bleeding, 36% about intermenstrual bleed, 42% were aware about post-menopausal bleeding, and 44.5%
were aware about altered color and foul smelling cervical discharge. Only 34.5% participants were aware
that HPV can be transmitted during pregnancy. Only 36% participants were aware that HPV is transmitted
by polygamy. Majority were aware about the screening methods of the cervical cancer. A total 75% of
participants thought cervical cancer is preventable, 54.4% of participants were aware that HPV vaccine is
avail able and prevents cancer cervix, 61.5% were aware that using condom is a preventive method, 64.5 %
were aware about HPV vaccine and 40.5% were aware of monogamy as preventive method.
Conclusion: We found lower awareness regarding the basic knowledge of cervical cancer, its risk factors
and screening tools.

Keywords: Disease, Awareness, Knowledge, Cancer, Human papilloma virus.

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