Role of bandage contact lens in corneal disorders: A review

Authors : Anup Mondal, Ratandeep Kumar Agrawalla

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2019.060

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 264-266

Cornea undergoes repeated injury by external atmosphere and frequent blinking of lids. Thus proper
healing atmosphere is of utmost importance. BCL provides protection, promotes healing by migration
of epithelial basement membrane cells. It also minimises the irritation of corneal nerve endings thus
minimises pain. It also helps in providing a tectonic support to the outer coat of eye ball in case of
impending perforating ulcers, acts as a barrier between tarsal conjunctiva and suture knots. Role of BCL
after refractive surgery is very important as it promotes epithelisation and helps in preventing irritation and
However BCL should be carefully used in dry eye disease and frequent follow up is mandatory to detect
early signs of microbial keratitis, and signs of corneal hypoxia.

Keywords: Bandage contact lens (BCL), Corneal abrasions, Persistent epithelial defect, Bullous keratopathy.

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