Management of ranula with a combination of intra-lesional corticosteroid therapy and micro-marsupialization- A case report

Authors : Khushboo , Supreet Shirolkar, Monalisa Das, Subir Sarkar

DOI : 10.18231/j.idjsr.2020.023

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 114-117

Various forms of salivary gland swellings benign or malignant in nature are found in the oral cavity. An appropriate evaluation is needed for proper diagnosis and management of these lesions. Ranula, is one of the most common benign salivary gland lesions develops on the floor of the mouth. This paper presents a possible management of large sized ranula by a combination therapy of intra-lesional corticosteroid and Micro-marsupialization in 8 year old child according to the clinical condition.

Keywords: Ranula, Mucoceles, Intralesional corticosteroid, Micromarsupialization.

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