Fungal strains for mycological production of citric acid

Authors : Subedar Yadav

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpca.2021.012

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 59-61

Citric acid has become an important raw material for general industrial use with many varied and expanding applications such as iron, steel, treatment and conditioning of industrial water supplies, preparation of alkyl resins, paints and in the printing of calico and textile industries. Mycological Production of citric acid includes preparation and sterilization of different media, culture medium, and seedling of culture tube, incubation of culture tubes, determination of citric acid formed and molasses left unfermented during the course of present investigation. The Present work deals mainly selection of potent strains of fungus.

Keywords: Citric Acid, Aspergillus niger, NCIM

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