Unusual presentation of calcinosis cutis: A diagnostic dilemma

Authors : Pooja Jain, Shalini Trivedi, Udita Singhal, Rohit Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2022.039

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 169-172

Calcinosis cutis is a rare disorder with abnormal deposition of insoluble amorphous calcium salts under the epidermis in various parts of the body. This syndrome is divided into four types. Here we described two cases of calcinosis cutis at rare sites which were misdiagnosed clinically. In the first case, a 12 years old male child presented with a grey-white nodule in the left upper eyelid, and in the second case, 27 years old man presented with solitary growth on his left scrotum. In both cases, the Provisional diagnosis was misleading. On histopathological examination, a confirmatory diagnosis of Calcinosis cutis was made.

Keywords: Calcinosis cutis, Scrotum, Unusual, Dystrophic calcification, Eyelid, Calcium.

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