Biomedical waste management in dental office

Authors : Taniya Malhotra, Taniya Malhotra, Vrinda Vats, Vrinda Vats, Lokesh Yadav, Lokesh Yadav, Akshat Sachdeva, Akshat Sachdeva

DOI : 10.18231/j.idjsr.2021.013

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 68-72

Biomedical waste (BMW) is one of the notable etiologic factors for Hospital Acquired Infection, and is one of the major ecological challenges of today’s world. A lot of biomedical waste is generated in the dental office, whether in teaching institutions or private practice, which if not managed properly, can be hazardous to dental professionals, dental auxiliaries, patients and other health care service providers who work in the dental office. The present review discusses some common waste products produced by dental offices, the hazards of indiscriminate disposal and different plans of action for handling of BMW.

Keywords: Biomedical waste, Management, Dental office, Disposal.

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