Ameloblastoma: A hostile lesion of mandible: A challenging case report

Authors : M. K. Sunil, Upender Malik, Lakshay Vishnoi, Chhavi Srivastava, Priya Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.jooo.2022.044

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2022

Page No : 211-214

Swellings in the maxillofacial region always play a challenging task for clinicians to reach for apt diagnosis. These swellings can be soft, firm or bony hard in consistency. There are various clinical and radiographic features which are peculiar to these pathologies but sometimes the features are similar to more than one lesion. Thus, histopathological evaluation is must before planning for treatment. In this article we have discussed a case of swelling on the left side of face along-with the clinical, radiographical and pathological findings.

Keywords: Radiolucencies, Multilocular, Expansile.

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