Evaluation of serum Vitamin D level in Vitamin D supplemented 9 to 12 months old children in a tertiary care hospital

Authors : Tanmay Mondal, Pradip Saha, Sudip Saha

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2022.014

Volume : 12

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 73-76

Introduction: Vitamin D deficiency has emerged as a significant public health problem throughout the world. Even in the Indian context, it has been reported to be present in majority of children in spite of wide availability of sunlight. Our objective was to evaluateSerum Vitamin D Level in Vitamin D Supplemented 9 to 12 Months Old Children in a Tertiary Care Hospital.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in the patients aged 9 months to 12 months attending Out Patient Department and Ward of Tertiary care mother and child hospital, Department. of Paediatrics between April, 2019 to March, 2020.Blood sample was collected and analysed by the Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay (ECLIA) with the help of HITACHI Elecsys Cobas E411 to estimate 25-OH-D level after getting proper consent.
Result: The study done among 100 Vitamin D Supplemented 9 to 12 Months Old Children in a Tertiary Care Hospital resulted standard error 0.0952 and standard deviation 0. 9522. The children who had regularly taken vitamin D3 at 400IU/day since birth showed minimum vitamin D3 level at 22.34ng/ml and maximum vitamin D3 level found is 98.18ng/ml with a mean value of 40.67ng/ml that is sufficient.
Conclusion: In our study we have found that if children are given vitamin D3 regularly since birth at 400IU/day the attain desired serum vitamin D3 level irrespective of the brand/preparation.

Keywords: Vitamin D3, Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay, Vitamin D deficiency

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