Optical coherence tomography analysis of macula in diabetic patients undergoing cataract surgery

Authors : Anitha J, N Sindhu Khanna

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2019.040

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 164-168

Optical coherence tomography analysis of macula in diabetic patients undergoing cataract surgery.
Aim: Optical coherence tomography analysis of macula in diabetic patients undergoing cataract surgery.
Materials and Methods: To compare the foveal thickness in diabetics before and after cataract surgery using optical coherence tomography. Diabetes subjects undergoing cataract surgery with various grades of retinopathy were included. Excluding those with preexisting macular edema, previous intraocular surgeries, causes of macular edema other than diabetes, anti-glaucoma medication and dense cataract.
Results: While the overall outcome of cataract surgery is excellent, patients with diabetes may have poor visual outcome than non-diabetics. Macular edema is the leading cause of poor visual outcome after cataract surgery.
Conclusion: In the present study we have noted that in diabetics macular thickness increases after cataract surgery. The worsening of macular edema is more prominent in eyes with diabetic retinopathy than in eyes without diabetic retinopathy.

Keywords: Cataract, Diabetes, Macular edema, OCT.

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