Opthalmomyiasis: A rare case report

Authors : Sujata Panda, Sujata Panda, Leesa Mohanty, Leesa Mohanty, Bijay Kumar Pattnayak, Bijay Kumar Pattnayak, Shushruta Mohanty, Shushruta Mohanty

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2022.031

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 130-132

Opthalmomyiasis is infestation of eye and ocular adnexa by larva of flies. Most common causative agent is Oestrus ovis. A 10 year male child of a farmer presented to opthalmology OPD with acute onset of redness of eye since 2 days. Opthalmological examination revealed conjunctival congestion and lacrimation. Examination of bulbar conjunctiva showed small transluscent organisms with dark head seen to crawl over bulbar conjunctiva. Slit lamp examination and internal opthalmoscopy reports were normal. The organisms were removed with the help of fine forceps after applying 4% of lignocaine topically. Following fixation with formalin, a DPX mount was made and the organism was identified as Oestrus Ovis. Local antibiotics were prescribed to the patient for a week and the patient was cured.

Keywords: Oestrus Ovis, Opthalmomyiasis, Red eye

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