Attitude of dental interns with malocclusion towards seeking orthodontic treatment

Authors : M Sharmila, M Sharmila, P Rajakumar, P Rajakumar, U Vivekanandan, U Vivekanandan, R Shivani, R Shivani, S Gopalakrishnan, S Gopalakrishnan

DOI : 10.18231/j.idjsr.2019.026

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 107-112

Aim: To determine the attitude of dental interns with malocclusion towards seeking orthodontic treatment.

Materials and Methods: 50 dental interns with malocclusion in seek of orthodontic treatment participated in the study. They were given 10 polar questions relating to their concern about seeking orthodontic treatment, answers were recorded and statistical analysis was carried out.

Results: Overall the percentage of positive responses from the dental interns with malocclusion towards seeking orthodontic treatment is 61% and the percentage of negative responses is 39%. The negative responses are due to two reasons. One is 58% feared about the quality of the treatment and the other is 60% concerned about the long treatment durations.

Conclusion: It is obvious from the study that most of the dental interns are completely aware about orthodontic treatment and their outcomes. Also, most of the dental students besides knowing the demerits of the orthodontic treatment are not found to be apprehensive to undertake the treatment and showed a positive approach towards it.

Keywords: Malocclusion, Orthodontic treatment, Dental students, Anxiety.

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