Mucormycosis: A manifestation in COVID-19 infection

Authors : Abhishek Sharma, Gulnaz Bano, Abdul Malik

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpp.2021.032

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 189-194

Patients with COVID-19 may develop higher susceptibility to fungal co-infections. Mucormycosis is a rare and often life-threatening disease caused by vascular invasion by hyphae, leading to thrombosis and necrosis. Mucormycosis has been the cause of morbidity and mortality in transplant, ICU and immunodeficient individuals over a long period of time, but in India, a rapid increase in the number of cases seen in unexpected patients with Covid-19, which is a major concern. Covid-19 patients, already immunocompromised with underlying condition, had been exposed to severe Covid-19 infection and been using steroids, were at greater risk of developing mucormycosis. Out of ten cases reported by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi India in December2020, five succumbed to mucormycosis. Another unique feature reported in mucor patients was age, most were elderly with ages between 45 to 60 years. The mortality rate is currently estimated at 50% in India. Symptoms such as nasal congestion, swelling of the eye or cheeks and dark brown crusts inside the nose should be reported immediately and anti-fungal treatment should be started.

Keywords: COVID-19 infection, Immunocompromised host, Mucormycosis, Nasal congestion, Thrombosis

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