Authors : Asfaw Kibret, Efrem Bayou
DOI : 10.59657/2992-9725.brs.23.005
Volume : 2
Issue : 1
Year : 2023
Page No : 1-5
More spotlight-branding-logo Research Spotlight Beta Want to get 4x more reads of your article? Showcase your recent work in a Spotlight to get 4x more reads on average. Learn more Create Spotlight Abstract Background: Huge ovarian cyst is a rare occurrence in postpartum period. Once existing ovarian cyst passes the pregnancyperiod, it is a risk for torsion on postpartum days when the gravid uterus involuted. Here we present a case of huge ovariancyst torsion on late post-partum period which is diagnosed and managed in our resource limited set up.Case presentation: This is a case of 30yrs old female patient who is on her 30th post-partum date after she gave alive fetusat home. Then she noticed that her abdomen failed to decrease after delivery and waited for spontaneous decrement andlastly, she visited health center for the newly developing worsened pain since last 3 days of her presentation to healthcenter.Conclusion: This case reports that huge ovarian cyst accompanied pregnancy might not affect the pregnancy and vaginaldelivery is possible but torsion is common in this case due to the involution of the postpartum uterus. Exploratorylaparotomy in low resource set up is still the main stay for diagnosis and management of such emergency cases.