Aesthetic rehabilitation of a nonsyndromic oligodontia patient - A conservative treatment approach

Authors : Saadath Afzaa S A, Mayur Hegde, Syed Ahmed Raheel, Mohammed Saleem. C, Mohammed Ajmal B

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdp.2022.018

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 93-96

Oligodontia, a developmental dental anomaly, characterized by the congenital absence of more than six permanent teeth except the third molarsleading to functional, aesthetic,and psychological problems, when the anterior region is involved.This case report describes a multidisciplinary treatment approach of a 21 year old female patient with missing 6 permanent teeth. Microdontia with respect to mandibular canine was observed and retained deciduous mandibular canine was seen on intraoral examination. The first phase of treatment wasextraction of maxillary central incisors followed by alveoloplasty. The second phase of treatment included intentional pulp space therapy followed by prosthetic restoration of the missing teeth with fixed partial denture as a quick solution for the patients who reject more time-consuming procedure.

Keywords: Oligodontia, Alveoloplasty, Fixed partial denture, Extraction

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