Correlating Vertical Skeletal Patterns With ABO Blood Grouping System: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors : S Rathi A,S Datana , S S Agarwal, S Bhandari

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2019.025

Volume : 3

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 33-37

Introduction: This study was conducted to correlate vertical facial patterns with ABO blood groups and also to evaluate the differences in distribution of ABO blood groups among males and females with different vertical facial patterns.
Materials and Methods: 162 subjects (66 males and 96 females) were randomly selected from the OPD of a tertiary care hospital (age-12-30 years). Standard pretreatment records for each individual were taken. The individuals were divided into 03 vertical skeletal facial patterns using Frankfurt Mandibular Plane Angle (FMA) as Group 1- Hypodivergent FMA <23> individuals), Group 3- Hyperdivergent FMA >27 degrees (45 individuals).
Results: The mean ± SD of age in Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 was 17.89 ± 2.33 years, 17.25 ± 3.57 years and 17.53 ± 3.60 years respectively (P-value>0.05). The blood group distribution of cases studied did not differ significantly between group of male and female cases studied (P-value>0.05). The blood group distribution of cases studied differed significantly between group 1 and 2 (P-value<0>0.05). A+ blood group was more prevalent in horizontal growth pattern and B+ in vertical and average growth patterns (P-value<0> Keywords: Slot dimensions, slot profile, machining inaccuracy.

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