A review of HPLC technique covering its pharmaceutical, environmental, forensic, clinical and other applications

Authors : Gita Chawla, Gita Chawla, Krishna Kr. Chaudhary, Krishna Kr. Chaudhary

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpca.2019.006

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 27-39

HPLC is an analytical technique widely used for identification, separation, detection and quantification of various drugs and its related degradants. Appropriate mobile phase, stationary phase, column, column size, temperature, wavelength and gradient selection is important for the suitable compatibility and stability of drug as well as impurities and degradants. Most of the drugs as well as other compounds can be analyzed by HPLC method because of the several advantages like rapidity, specificity, accuracy, precision and ease of automation in this method. This article has been prepared with an aim to review different aspects of HPLC, such as principle, types, mode of separation, characteristics, instrumentation, important parameters and various applications of HPLC in different fields.

Keyword: HPLC, Analysis, Method development and Validation, Detection, Identification, Quantitation.

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