Vitamin D levels in asymptomatic adults – A Cross sectional hospital based study

Authors : Sushil Mankar, Samir Dwidmuthe, Madhur Gupta, Samir Kalkotwar, Prashant Tidke, Rahul Sakhare


Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2014

Page No : 18-20

Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults are the classic manifestations of profound vitamin D deficiency. In recent years, however, non-musculoskeletal conditions—including cancer, metabolic syndrome, infectious and autoimmune disorders—have also been found to be associated with low vitamin D levels.1 The spectrum of these common disorders is of particular concern because observational studies have demonstrated that vitamin D insufficiency is widespread in many northern regions of the world, including industrialised countries.2 3