Recurrent retinoblastoma with intracranial extension post enucleation

Authors : Pulkit Maru, Ankush Sarwal, Sweety Thakker, Neetika sarwal, Anant Pore

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijnmhs.2019.012

Volume : 2

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 68-70

Retinoblastoma amounts to be the most common intraocular childhood malignancy. More than 95% retinoblastoma are diagnosed before age five. Retinoblastoma may be sporadic or inherited. In both cases the tumor origin is biallelic mutation. Staging of retinoblastoma is based on intraocular location, extraocular & extraorbital spread, central nervous system involvement and systemic metastases. Diagnosis and management of retinoblastoma demands multidisciplinary approach, for which accurate imaging is indispensable. Concerns of the effects of radiation in retinoblastoma have led to a shift from radiation therapy to chemotherapy and locoregional treatment and magnetic resonance imaging becoming the standard imaging modality for diagnosis, staging and treatment monitoring.

Keywords: Retinoblastoma, Retinoblastoma with Intracranial extension, Recurrent retinoblastoma.

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