Perception and knowledge of first year MBBS students towards e-learning: A Cross sectional study.

Authors : Dr. Deepali Wanjari (Tonde), Dr. Madhur Gupta


Volume : 3

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 606-611

ABSTRACT : Nowadays, technology has obviously made our lives easier. That means internet technology has been considered as an important medium for many aspects of our lives including academic learning. This study examines the extent to which MBBS first year students use e-resources for learning as well as to assess knowledge, habits of first MBBS students . A questionnaire of fifteen questions on various aspects of e-learning was administered to the first MBBS students online in google form . The data generated from responses was compiled and analyzed on SPSS to get insight on various aspects of e-learning. Out of 150 students 132 participated in study. 58.3 % students felt convenience is the important feature of elearning. Majority of students (52.3%) feel elearning along with Traditional teaching is favourable alternative. This study concludes that the majority of first MBBS students use e-resources for learning various topics specialy animation. . So esources suppliments the traditional teaching in first year mbbs student. KEYWORDS: Perception, First MBBS students, e-Learning, Knowledge