Authors : Sonam Yangchen, Sonam Yangchen, Parag Dua, Parag Dua, Thiruvalluvan Nagarajan, Thiruvalluvan Nagarajan, Saurav Kumar, Saurav Kumar, Navdeep Singh, Navdeep Singh
DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2023.012
Volume : 9
Issue : 1
Year : 2023
Page No : 59-62
Large defects of the skull leading to neurological defects and facial disfigurement can be traumatizing for the patient. Such defects can be rehabilitated using various biomaterials, polymethyl methacrylate being the most commonly used.
Keywords: Syndrome of Trephined (SoT), Craniectomy, Cranioplasty