Mobile based library services

Authors : Hansaben Shashikantbhai Bhoj

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijlsit.2020.013

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 64-64

The application of mobile phone technology in all aspects of our everyday life cannot be ignored in institutions and establishments including libraries. Therefore libraries in developed economies have embraced the mobile phone revolution and are utilizing them for effective and efficient services. In contrast, however, mobile - based services are not pervasive among academic libraries in India. They are yet to be embraced by academic and research libraries. This paper reports findings of a survey on mobile - based library services in various libraries of India. The aim of the study was to seek the views of users regarding the use of mobile phones in library services. It sought to find whether they would be interested in using such service. 

Keywords: Mobile phones, Technology, Academic libraries, Library services, University.

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