Management of severely resorbed ridges with hollow dentures in neutral zone - A case report

Authors : Srinivas Ohatker, Chitturi Ravi Kumar, Machha Sujesh, Sreenivasulu. D, Gurram Sunil Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/2455-8486.2018.0008

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 23-27

Complete denture is the widely used and commonest form of treatment for the edentulous jaws but it becomes the most challenging task to provide a stable retainable prosthesis. To the rescue of this problem comes in the neutral zone of the patients oral cavity where the forces exerted during functions by the cheek and tongue are minimum and therefore it is called as the Zone of Minimum conflict.
This case report deals with resorbed residual ridge, for the construction of denture in the neutral zone and with an aim to readdress the use of materials and techniques which provides better stability and masticatory efficiency but also to make them rigid, tough, and substantially light weighted so as to make the prosthesis more sustainable. A subjective evaluation of these dentures on the patient perception was done based on the individual prosthesis provided.

Keywords: Denture stability, Neutral zone technique, Resorbed ridge, Hollow denture.

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