Early Intervention of Skeletal Class II Malocclusion by Twin Block Appliance Therapy

Authors : Khera AK, Kumar A, Reddy CM, Singh K, Joshi D

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2017.027

Volume : 1

Issue : 4

Year : 2017

Page No : 54-63

This article presents two cases of adolescent male patients of skeletal class II malocclusion treated by Twin block appliance followed by fixed appliance therapy. Twin block is a myofunctional appliance which was used for growth modification in both the patients for promoting mandibular growth. Fixed appliance therapy was followed then after to in both the cases showed good skeletal, dental and soft tissue relationships. The patients  had improved esthetics and self confidence.
Keywords: Myofunctional appliances, Profile, Growth pattern.

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