Effect of breathing practices on visual and auditory reaction time of adolescent population in Madurai, India -A comparison of right and left nostril breathing

Authors : V. Suganthi, S.Anu, V. Mathava kumar, K. Rekha

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2126.2018.0013

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 52-57

Introduction: Specific nostril breathing techniques are known to influence the autonomic function. Various studies have recorded that Right nostril breathing (RNB) exercises stimulate sympathetic activity and left nostril breathing (LNB) exercises stimulate parasympathetic activity. The present study was done to find out whether this is true by observing the immediate effect of specific nostril breathing on Visual Reaction Time (VRT) and Auditory Reaction Time (ART) of the same individual before and after training.

Aim and Objectives:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.        <!--[endif]-->To assess the immediate effect of RNB & LNB on VRT and ART.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.        <!--[endif]-->To compare the immediate effect of RNB &LNB on VRT & ART.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.        <!--[endif]-->To assess the Gender difference in the RNB & LNB on VRT & ART.

Materials and Methods: 40 MBBS students in the age group of 18-20 years were randomly selected. Group A (n=20) consisted of male and Group B (n=20) consisted of female volunteers. Subjects were taught breathing exercises on the first day and after 30 minutes of RNB, VRT & ART and again after 30 minutes of LNB, VRT & ART were recorded.
Results: A significant reduction in ART& VRT and a significant increase in ART& VRT were seen after RNB & LNB exercises .No significant gender difference was observed on reaction time.
Conclusion: RNB stimulates sympathetic activity and LNB stimulates parasympathetic activity. ART is faster than VRT and no difference in reaction times between males and females were found after immediate breathing exercises.

Keywords: Autonomic function, Breathing exercises, Immediate, Reaction time.


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