Standard for TB care in India (STCI) guidelines- A study on knowledge, attitude and practice among junior doctors of a tertiary care hospital of Kolkata

Authors : Debasish Sinha, Mausumi Basu, Abhishek De, Kajari Bandyopadhyay, Sitikantha Banerjee

DOI : 10.18231/2454-6712.2018.0011

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 48-53

Introduction: Standards for TB Care in India was produced in 2014 which set out the standard of TB treatment and TB testing & diagnosis in India that should be provided by the RNTCP in all parts of the country.
Objectives: to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding Standards for TB Care in India (STCI) guidelines among junior doctors in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Kolkata.
Materials and Methods: An institution-based observational descriptive study, cross-sectional in design, was conducted among 244 junior doctors of a tertiary care Government Teaching Hospital of Kolkata, from May 2016 to June 2016 using a pre designed pre tested structured questionnaire.
Results: Though junior doctors had satisfactory knowledge about symptoms of presumptive TB & diagnosis; they had unsatisfactory knowledge regarding drug regimen, follow up sputum, diagnosis of MDR TB, XDR- TB and TB HIV.; they had positive attitude regarding seriousness of TB and regular upgradation of TB knowledge and had discordant practices regarding drug regimen, duration of treatment and TB notification.
Conclusions: Structured and periodic training and re-training to ensure continuity of correct knowledge is need of the hour.

Keywords: STCI, Junior doctors, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice.

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