Patterns and socio-demographic correlates of attempted suicide cases admitted in a tertiary care hospital of Kanpur (U.P.)

Authors : Aloke Kr. Misra, S. P. Singh, Ashok Kr. Maini, Ajay Bhagoliwal

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6776.2018.0032

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 144-148

Introduction: Every year about 800 000 people take their own life and there are many more people who attempt suicide. The second leading cause of death was suicide among 15–29 year olds globally in 2015 although it occurred in most of the ages. Suicide does not just occur in high income countries, but is a global phenomenon in all regions of the world. In fact, over 78% of global suicides occurred in low and middle income countries in 2015.
Materials and Methods: Present study is carried out among attempted suicide cases admitted in last 3years between Jan 2015 to Dec 2017 at Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (RMCH&RC) Kanpur (U.P). Retrospective hospital record based study carried out after obtaining ethical clearance from institutional ethical committee. Data was collected from medical record section.
Inclusion Criteria: Patients admitted in the hospital and classified as ICD10 (X60-84) code for suicide under international coding of disease for whom, all necessary information were available, have been included in the study.
Study Sample: Total (N=102) who were admitted at RMCH&RC and fulfilled the necessary information criteria included in study. Subjects aged <15>
Results and Discussion: Most of the suicide cases 47(46.1%) were aged between 15-25 years with mean age of suicide cases being 30.53 ±12.12, with M/F ratio (1.1:1). The data shows that most common method of suicide is the poisoning in 52.9% cases just literate were 62.7% and only 11.8%were illiterate. Hospital care determinants like duration of hospital stay was <1week>3weeks for 4.9% cases only with mean duration of hospital stay was 7.60±6.24. Complications among survivors 27.5% Hepatic, 26.5% Physical disability, 17.6% Respiratory, 8.8% neurological and only 6.9?rdiacwith overall mortality (10.8%).The results are comparable with most of the hospital based studies.
Conclusion: Mental health bill decriminalizing suicide passed by Parliament in India on March 27, 2017 that a person who attempts suicide shall not be punished under IPC 309.This will render misclassification of suicide cases and it will permit psychosocial counseling of survivors which in turn enhance prevention and control. Suicides are preventable there are a number of measures that can be taken at population, sub-population and individual levels to prevent suicide and suicide attempts.

Keywords: Self harm, Suicide attempt, Decriminalization of suicide.

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