Treatment of iatrogenic malocclusions using micro implants: A series of two case reports

Authors : Hrushikesh Aphale, Saurabh Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2017.036

Volume : 1

Issue : 1

Year : 2017

Page No : 49-57

The term ‘iatrogenic’ is defined as that which is ‘results from the activity of a health care provider, institution or health professional.
Iatrogenic malocclusions are malocclusion resulting from previous dental and/or orthodontic treatment. This series of two case reports
highlights the use of micro-implants in the treatment of such iatrogenic malocclusions. In the first case report a patient KB reported with
forwardly placed upper front teeth. His previous dental treatment included root canal treatment of all the four incisors followed by coronal
coverage to solve his chief complaint. The treatment plan included replacement of coronal coverage, extraction of all bicuspids and
retraction and intrusion using micro-implants, followed by permanent coronal coverage. In the second case report the patient GC complained
of poor esthetics due to forwardly placed upper front teeth. In her previous orthodontic treatment, all the first bicuspids were extracted but
her extraction space was not opened and her esthetics was not improved. Her treatment plan included extraction of upper first molars, use
of micro-implants to intrude and retract the upper arch and cause autorotation of the lower jaw, mesialization of upper second and third
molars and reduction in the gummy smile.
Keywords: iatrogenic malocclusion, micro implants, re-treatment.

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