Implants in orthodontics: A brief review

Authors : Lalita Sheoran, Lalita Sheoran, Puneet Kumar, Puneet Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Syed Tousif Ulla, Syed Tousif Ulla, Farhan Hussain, Farhan Hussain

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2021.008

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 45-48

Orthodontic implants used to provide an anchorage that is useful for the straightening of teeth. These implants are called orthodontic mini-implants/micro-screws and serve as temporary implants. Here in this discussion, we are going to study about indications, contraindications, risk factors associated with the implants.

Keywords: Onplants, Orthodontics.

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