Orbital apex syndrome secondary to osteomyelitis of maxilla following dental caries

Authors : Sneha KR, Fauzia Ara, Keerthi B

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2022.035

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 164-166

Purpose: To report a case of unilateral orbital apex syndrome with periorbital abscess secondary to osteomyelitis of maxilla following right upper molar dental caries
Materials and Methods: A 37 years old female patient presented with fever and toothache 1 month ago treated in a local hospital following which she developed facial swelling, dropping of left eyelid and sudden, progressive diminution of vision in left eye. Patient underwent tooth extraction following which facial swelling worsened. She was newly diagnosed as diabetic. Visual acuity in Right eye was 6/6 and in Left eye was PL negative. Detailed Slit lamp examination, fundus examination and cranial nerve examination was done. CT and MRI scan was done.
Conclusion: This case highlights the importance of early diagnosis and timely management of dental caries to prevent dreaded complications like orbital apex and cavernous sinus involvement.

Keywords: Ocular manifestation, Ocular malignancy, Ocular inverted papilloma

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