What is NOT normal in fetal heart

Authors : Parag Bhalgat, Yogeshkumar Choudhary

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.092

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 414-419

Congenital heart defects are leading cause of neonatal mortality even in developed world. It is result of
either late diagnosis of defect after circulatory compromise or discharge of neonates with undiagnosed
defect. Antenatal anomaly scan provides an important opportunity to suspect congenital heart defects.
Various approaches have been proposed by international society for ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology
(ISUOG), American heart association (AHA) etc to screen fetal heart in various views. In spite of best of
practices, not less than 30 to 40% of congenital heart diseases are born without antenatal suspicion of
same. Steep learning curve associated with understanding of cardiac anatomy is one of the most important
reason. During antenatal scan, important step is to suspect cardiac abnormality. We wish to stress upon
‘What is NOT normal ?’ in afore mentioned protocols to arouse suspicion. This can initiates early refer
for fetal echo and parent counseling by pediatric cardiologist as well as planned delivery in tertiary setup
with paediatric cardiac backup. Early referral is also important where laws about medical termination of
pregnancy are restrictive and time bound.

Keywords: Congenital heart defect, Fetal echocardiogrpahy, Anomaly scan.

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